To preprocess or not to preprocess? Every time we run a piece about Sass (which we’ve done a lot of lately), we get tons of thoughtful comments on both sides of the issue. Here are just a few:
There is no 'dark side' to pre-processors… Writing CSS Vanilla on a website with a large scale is just asking to be a maintenance nightmare in my eyes.
I like writing vanilla CSS. It lets me have an intimate relationship with the code and it means I know everything that's happening and why.
It's not just garbage in, garbage out. It's garbage in, 10x garbage out. But, used wisely, such tools are very valuable.
Our next ALA: On Air event will continue these conversations. Join us on May 6 as our panel cuts through the clutter and shares how they’ve chosen to incorporate (or not) preprocessors and task runners in their work.
Event details
This event is free and everyone is welcome—but you have to register to participate in the Q&A. Here are all the details:
Wednesday, May 6
1–2 p.m. EDT
via Google Hangout
Register or get more details
We’ll have 30 minutes of conversation between our panelists, and then open things up to questions from attendees. Like we did with our last event, “Designing for Performance,” we’ll also share the full video and transcript after the live show ends.
Join our email list to get updates when new events, videos, and transcripts are posted.
The panelists
We’ve rounded up a few brilliant ALA contributors to participate:
- Moderator: Columnist Rachel Andrew
- Participants: Columnist Lyza Danger Gardner and blog contributors Jeff Lembeck and Susan Robertson
Big thanks to Pantheon
Putting on events is a ton of work, and we couldn’t do it without the generous support of our sponsor Pantheon. Sign up for a demo to see Pantheon’s unified platform for building, launching, and running Drupal and WordPress sites.
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