Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Your Competitors Are Using Parallax Scrolling…Are You?

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Parallax scrolling, arguably the hottest trend in modern web design, is changing the way we interact with our favorite sites. In fact, there’s a good chance your competitors are using it too! So why all the hype surrounding a seemingly superficial element of web design? If you’ve ever wondered the same thing, read on to discover what your competitors may already know.

Or, you can skip this article and embrace Webydo‘s code-free web design platform. The product was developed by a bunch of web designers who understand the needs of modern websites.  And yes, Webydo is all about parallax scrolling.

It’s Fun and Efficient

You’ve heard the saying before: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Though you may never have given it much thought, a simple picture really can convey more than the same space filled with text. Thanks to this important quality, web elements that make graphics the focal point can actually feed more basic information to the user.


A great example of this concept in action is the venerable infographic. These relative newcomers to the web marry text heavy data with fun, visually appealing graphics. The result is an element brimming with useful information under the guise of creative imagery. The graphics take the place of boring walls of text with only the most important text remaining. The audience is treated to a visually engaging experience while still being presented with critical information. A win-win for both the designer and the user.

Parallax scrolling embraces the same concept and even pushes it one step further. Using vibrant images to express the same information as a wall of text does wonders for keeping your audience awake. With parallax scrolling, you can entertain and engage at the same time. By letting the user control the action (by scrolling), you create an instant bond that will likely keep the user engaged as they move through your content.


It Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

With the power to quickly present abundant information while simultaneously engaging the interest of the audience, there must be a catch, right? Most people assume the catch is difficulty, that however couldn’t be farther from the truth! Modern web design platforms take the rocket science out of parallax animation and make it a simple drag and drop exercise.


Much like the infographics we talked about earlier, parallax scrolling animations can actually make it easier to convey the same massage. As a designer, that should get you pretty excited. Rather than labor over the tension between design and content, with parallax scrolling you can bring them seamlessly together.

It’s in this unique ability that parallax scrolling’s true usefulness becomes apparent. You’ve no doubt seen it in action already. Entire pages composed solely of parallax scrolling animation. Light on wordy content, these sites typically hold just as much information as traditional designs, but accomplish the feat in a much more engaging manner.



When you step back and take in the whole picture of what parallax scrolling has to offer, it becomes clear why your competitors have jumped on the bandwagon. So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of modern web platforms and dive into the interactive power of parallax scrolling!


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